} program p; { calib_calc_1.pas calls routines in our wps.pas library to calculate the error in WPS measurement. It takes a set of WPS measurements and compares them to CMM measurements. It adjusts camera calibration constants until the root mean square camera error is close to a minimum. The program prints the CMM wire positions and the WPS three-dimensional error vector at the start of the fitting procedure. It prints the camera calibration constants and the rms error during the fitting. It prints the error vectors a second time at the end, and last of all calculates the ccd-pivot distance using the final parameters. At the end of the code are parameters we obtained with various sub-sets of the data, and by fitting various sub-sets of the parameters. Compile Instructions: Re-name this program to p.pas and compile with "make p" in LWDAQ/Build. Adjust global constants and re-compile. Input data is embedded in the code. Output is to the terminal. } uses utils,bcam,wps; const N=10; N_error=N; edge_direction=0; camera_num=1; random_scale=0; var camera:wps_camera_type; mount:kinematic_mount_type; edge_str,wire_str,coord_str:long_string; i,j:integer; wires:array [1..N] of wps_wire_type; images:array [1..N] of xy_point_type; s:short_string; function error(c:wps_camera_type):real; var i:integer; sum:real; begin sum:=0; for i:=1 to N_error do sum:=sum+sqr(xyz_length(wps_ray_error(images[i],edge_direction,wires[i],c))); error:=sqrt(sum/N); end; function step(c:wps_camera_type;d:real):wps_camera_type; var ax,ay,sum:real; cc:wps_camera_type; begin cc:=c; with cc do begin with pivot do begin x:=x+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d; y:=y+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d; { z:=z+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d;} end; with sensor do begin x:=x+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d; y:=y+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d; z:=z+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d; end; with rot do begin { x:=x+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d/10; y:=y+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d/10;} { z:=z+2*(random_0_to_1-0.5)*d/10;} end; end; if error(c)>error(cc) then step:=cc else step:=c; end; var a,b,c:xyz_line_type; p:xy_point_type; q:xyz_point_type; begin fsd:=3; fsr:=6; camera:=nominal_wps_camera(camera_num); with camera do begin pivot:=xyz_sum(pivot,xyz_scale(xyz_random,random_scale)); sensor:=xyz_sum(sensor,xyz_scale(xyz_random,random_scale)); end; writeln(string_from_wps_camera(camera)); edge_str:=' {1213122233 1057.77 35.45 3207.15 14.23 2890.82 26.29 3207.15 25.40 23.566 23.867 23.741 23.628} 1213122405 2830.11 13.34 3165.46 13.77 2539.18 26.83 2872.31 26.47 23.565 23.847 23.740 23.623 1213122539 2407.60 12.94 2761.36 12.78 2143.87 27.82 2496.53 27.21 23.580 23.873 23.749 23.631 1213122677 1929.90 12.47 2305.53 12.20 1696.11 28.97 2072.15 27.84 23.596 23.884 23.762 23.628 1213122794 1381.98 11.27 1785.82 11.49 1181.24 30.43 1586.50 28.95 23.598 23.880 23.750 23.629 1213122919 741.33 9.07 1183.85 10.55 579.06 32.09 1022.30 30.80 23.608 23.899 23.769 23.634 1213123194 2636.01 13.04 2967.15 14.20 2737.72 26.43 3076.52 25.66 23.628 23.916 23.782 23.651 1213123355 1971.85 12.09 2332.69 11.94 2138.31 27.88 2507.42 27.21 23.640 23.923 23.775 23.646 {1213123478 1163.28 10.12 1565.42 10.85 1408.58 29.86 1818.23 28.84 23.648 23.932 23.778 23.654} 1213124105 1697.46 181.41 2043.35 184.94 2808.67 214.36 3188.04 216.86 23.690 23.981 23.810 23.676 1213124241 1323.53 177.32 1687.26 181.15 2503.66 211.55 2899.96 214.94 23.697 23.987 23.825 23.689 1213124369 909.66 173.54 1294.94 177.07 2167.19 208.88 2582.30 212.00 23.698 23.974 23.831 23.690 '; wire_str:=' {111.8021 7.7840 44.2651 0.99993495 0.00036492 0.01139999} 111.8222 3.7758 44.3113 0.99993474 0.00023516 0.01142185 111.8442 -0.2246 44.3548 0.99993473 0.00022720 0.01142255 111.8664 -4.2263 44.3975 0.99993472 0.00020959 0.01142395 111.8890 -8.2264 44.4387 0.99993490 0.00021781 0.01140822 111.9103 -12.2318 44.4842 0.99993469 0.00018295 0.01142754 112.8273 3.7636 43.2978 0.99993451 0.00016862 0.01144311 112.8607 -2.2369 43.3619 0.99993456 0.00015286 0.01143879 {112.8607 -2.2369 43.3619 0.99993456 0.00015286 0.01143879} 113.6510 -0.2865 40.5312 0.97794118 0.00234389 0.20886730 113.6683 -3.2870 40.5635 0.97794144 0.00234277 0.20886612 113.6841 -6.2866 40.5963 0.97793874 0.00233801 0.20887879 '; coord_str:=' 118.0663 -43.2519 -18.6495 45.1359 -64.4029 -17.6254 44.9566 -22.4167 -18.0723 '; mount:=read_kinematic_mount(coord_str); for i:=1 to N do begin with wires[i] do begin radius:=1/16*25.4/2; {one sixteenth inch steel pin} position:=wps_from_global_point(read_xyz(wire_str),mount); direction:=wps_from_global_vector(read_xyz(wire_str),mount); end; with images[i] do begin y:=1.220; {mm} if camera_num=2 then begin s:=read_word(edge_str);s:=read_word(edge_str); s:=read_word(edge_str);s:=read_word(edge_str); end; case edge_direction of +1:begin s:=read_word(edge_str); x:=read_real(edge_str)/1000; end; 0:begin s:=read_word(edge_str); x:=read_real(edge_str)/1000; s:=read_word(edge_str); x:=(x+read_real(edge_str)/1000)/2; end; -1:begin s:=read_word(edge_str); s:=read_word(edge_str); s:=read_word(edge_str); x:=read_real(edge_str)/1000; end; end; end; edge_str:=delete_to_mark(edge_str,chr(10)); end; case edge_direction of +1:writeln('Camera ',camera_num,' using left edges.'); 0:writeln('Camera ',camera_num,' using center line.'); -1:writeln('Camera ',camera_num,' using right edges.'); end; for i:=1 to N do begin write(string_from_xyz(wires[i].position),' ',string_from_xyz(wires[i].direction)); write(' ',string_from_xyz(wps_ray_error(images[i],edge_direction,wires[i],camera))); writeln; end; writeln(string_from_wps_camera(camera),' ',error(camera):fsr:fsd); for i:=1 to 10 do begin for j:=1 to 1000 do camera:=step(camera,0.1/i); writeln(string_from_wps_camera(camera),' ',error(camera):fsr:fsd); end; for i:=1 to N do begin write(string_from_xyz(wires[i].position),' ',string_from_xyz(wires[i].direction)); write(' ',string_from_xyz(wps_ray_error(images[i],edge_direction,wires[i],camera))); writeln; end; writeln(xyz_length(xyz_difference(camera.pivot,camera.sensor)):fsr:fsd); end. { Nominal Values: WPS1_1 -4.500 87.400 -5.000 -14.272 93.271 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.350 With left edges, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot and sensor x,y and z: WPS1_1 -3.941 87.439 -4.474 -14.386 93.836 -4.729 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.017 WPS1_1 -4.057 87.175 -4.886 -14.631 93.564 -5.290 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.022 WPS1_1 -4.000 87.360 -4.894 -14.492 93.756 -5.265 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.019 WPS1_1 -4.321 87.431 -4.452 -14.943 93.872 -4.752 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.020 With centers, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot and sensor x,y and z: WPS1_1 -4.368 87.249 -4.719 -15.094 93.682 -5.114 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.025 WPS1_1 -4.037 87.490 -4.914 -14.531 93.901 -5.281 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.020 WPS1_1 -4.066 87.312 -4.961 -14.637 93.718 -5.374 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.023 WPS1_1 -4.037 87.460 -4.773 -14.548 93.873 -5.117 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.020 With right edges, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot and sensor x,y and z: WPS1_1 -3.873 87.376 -4.663 -14.366 93.768 -4.976 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.023 WPS1_1 -4.001 87.170 -4.594 -14.634 93.566 -4.955 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.026 WPS1_1 -3.935 87.347 -4.473 -14.465 93.742 -4.761 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.024 WPS1_1 -4.124 87.503 -4.532 -14.685 93.928 -4.828 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.023 WPS1_1 -3.874 87.421 -4.537 -14.360 93.821 -4.822 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.022 With left edges, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot, sensor, and rot x,y and z: WPS1_1 -3.788 87.129 -4.698 -14.262 93.487 -5.037 -1580.554 17.922 -554.255 0.019 WPS1_1 -3.758 87.460 -4.900 -14.108 93.833 -5.227 -1591.759 12.260 -566.255 0.014 WPS1_1 -4.219 87.455 -4.742 -14.793 93.890 -5.085 -1593.562 -7.492 -551.015 0.018 WPS1_1 -4.096 87.518 -4.818 -14.581 93.935 -5.157 -1575.902 -3.104 -527.636 0.018 With left edges, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot and sensor x,y and z, random start: WPS1_1 -3.977 87.150 -5.301 -14.517 93.524 -5.799 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.022 WPS1_1 -3.629 87.048 -4.581 -14.064 93.388 -4.891 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.020 WPS1_1 -3.439 87.390 -4.771 -13.675 93.726 -5.044 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.015 WPS1_1 -4.366 87.234 -5.016 -15.063 93.662 -5.480 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.023 WPS1_1 -4.679 87.559 -4.118 -15.416 94.047 -4.352 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.020 With left edges, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot and sensor x and y (not z): WPS1_1 -3.758 89.519 -5.000 -13.482 96.010 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.016 WPS1_1 -3.573 89.268 -5.000 -13.281 95.719 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.018 WPS1_1 -3.588 89.351 -5.000 -13.283 95.810 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.016 WPS1_1 -3.470 89.258 -5.000 -13.140 95.697 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.017 WPS1_1 -3.454 89.234 -5.000 -13.126 95.671 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.017 WPS1_1 -3.559 89.231 -5.000 -13.269 95.677 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.019 With left edges, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot x and y (not z): WPS1_1 -3.981 87.037 -5.000 -14.272 93.271 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.123 With left edges, skipping points 1 and 9, moving pivot and sensor together in x and y (not z): WPS1_1 -1.565 85.366 -5.000 -11.337 91.237 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.127 With centers, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot and sensor x and y (not z): WPS1_1 -3.730 89.483 -5.000 -13.461 95.976 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.017 WPS1_1 -3.671 89.256 -5.000 -13.414 95.713 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.021 WPS1_1 -3.269 89.105 -5.000 -12.907 95.519 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.018 WPS1_1 -3.525 89.257 -5.000 -13.216 95.703 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.019 WPS1_1 -3.254 89.090 -5.000 -12.888 95.500 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.018 With centers, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot and sensor x and y, and rot.z: WPS1_1 -3.447 89.113 -5.000 -13.145 95.541 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -547.600 0.021 WPS1_1 -3.304 89.081 -5.000 -12.958 95.495 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -546.503 0.019 WPS1_1 -3.470 89.255 -5.000 -13.149 95.701 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -524.774 0.019 WPS1_1 -3.410 89.169 -5.000 -13.093 95.606 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -517.119 0.020 WPS1_1 -3.649 89.307 -5.000 -13.383 95.774 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -507.663 0.021 WPS1_1 -3.510 89.198 -5.000 -13.194 95.625 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -601.494 0.019 With centers, skipping points 1 and 9-12, fitting pivot and sensor x and y (not z): WPS1_1 -3.828 87.906 -5.000 -14.109 94.335 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.013 WPS1_1 -3.830 87.583 -5.000 -14.218 93.994 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.017 WPS1_1 -3.886 87.747 -5.000 -14.250 94.177 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.015 WPS1_1 -4.088 87.450 -5.000 -14.639 93.884 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.021 WPS1_1 -3.983 87.812 -5.000 -14.362 94.253 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.013 WPS1_1 -4.114 87.974 -5.000 -14.496 94.438 -5.000 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.011 With centers, skipping points 1 and 9, fitting pivot x and y, sensor x, y, and z: WPS1_1 -4.213 87.720 -5.000 -14.705 94.163 -5.365 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.019 WPS1_1 -4.095 87.377 -5.000 -14.654 93.787 -5.415 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.022 WPS1_1 -3.930 86.946 -5.000 -14.559 93.311 -5.470 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.027 WPS1_1 -3.710 87.472 -5.000 -14.066 93.847 -5.357 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.019 WPS1_1 -3.884 87.260 -5.000 -14.386 93.640 -5.404 -1570.796 0.000 -541.000 0.022 }