Subcutaneous Leads (SCL)

Modified: This page was last modified on 06-Jan-25

Figure: Subcutaneous Leads Deployed on a Subcutaneous Transmitter. These are B-Leads, 0.7 mm in diameter with 450-μm diameter spring inside, wound of 200-μm diameter 316SS.

Our Subcutaneous Leads (SCL) stretchy, flexible, fatigue-resistant, silicone-insulated leads. We use them with our Subcutaneous Transmitters (SCTs) and our Implantable Stimulator-Transponders (ISTs). In SCTs, the leads carry biopotentials from electrodes to the implantable transmitter. In ISTs, the leads deliver current from the implantable stimulator to the stimulation electrodes. In addition to using the SCLs in our own devices, we offer them for sale in lengths of up to 280 mm, in eight different colors, and three different sizes.

Each SCL is coated twice with silicone. Both coats are MED-6607 unrestricted medical grade silicone. The first coat contains a dye that gives the lead its bright color. The first coat encloses the spring completely. There are no cavities in our leads. There is no passage inside along which water can creep. The second coat is clear, medical grade silicone with no dye.

Further Reading

Lead Table: Table of subcutaneous lead types with their dimensions and resistance.
Flexible Wires: Stripping, tinning, and soldering subcutaneous leads.
Antenna Table: Table of subcutaneous antenna types with their dimensions.
Price List: A list of devices and their prices, including the subcutaneous leads.
Testimonials: Comments from users of our telemetry system.
Forums: Message boards for customer support.
Electrodes and Terminations: Lead terminations, depth electrodes, and artifact.
Development of Flexible Wires: The story of the development of our flexible leads and antennas.