Implantable Stimulator-Transponder (IST)

Modified: This page was last modified on 08-Jan-25

Figure: Implantable Stimulator-Transponder (A3041A) with Test Lamp. Mass 1.6 g, stimulus leads 45-mm long, each with resistance 28 Ω. The pins mate with sockets on an Implantable Light-Emitting Diode (ILED).

Our Implantable Stimulator-Transponders (ISTs) are implantable, wireless devices that provide pulsed electric current for electrical stimulation of body tissue or pulsed current for Implantable Light-Emitting Diodes (ILEDs). The ILEDs act as optical stimulators for optogenetic experiments. Each IST contains its own embedded, programmable OSR8 microprocessor capable or running user-provided programs. The IST is designed for long-term experiments with intermittent stimulation.

The IST provides stimulation, acknowledgement, battery monitoring, a stimulation indicator signal for telemetry synchronization, and upload of custom stimulation protocols all by radio control. It receives commands through its loop antenna using its on-board crystal radio and it transmits signals through the same antenna. When an IST transmits signals, it uses the same telemetry system as our telemetry sensors, so ISTs may be deployed in the same experiment as our Subcutaneous Transmitters (SCTs), Head-Mounting Transmitters (HMTs), and Implantable Inertial Sensors (IIS).

System Description

Implantable Light-Emitting Diode (ILED): Surface-mount and fiber-coupled implantable lamps.
Stimulator Manual: User manual for implantable stimulators and lamps.
IST Flyer: Compact presentation of our implantable stimulator capabilities and specifications.
Data Acquisition (DAQ): Instrument control and data acquisition hardware and software.
Animal Cage Camera (ACC): Synchronous, Power-over-Ethernet, telemetry-compatible video camera.
Telemetry Manual: Detailed description of the telemetery system.
Subcutaneous Transmitter (SCT): Miniature, implantable, battery-powered, telemetry sensor.
Stimulator Demonstration: Optogenetic Stimulation of the Motor Cortex in ChR2-Injected Mice.
Price List: A list of devices and their prices.
Forums: Message boards for customer support.

Device Manuals

Implantable Stimulator-Transponder (A3041): An implantable stimulator with synchronizing signal and acknowledgement.
Implantable Light-Emitting Diode (A3036IL): An implantable light-emitting diode with and without light guide.
Loop Antennas (A3015): Omindirectional telemetry antenna with coaxial socket.
Faraday Enclosures (FEx): Faraday enclosures to block radio-frequency interference.
Canopy Feedthrough (A3039): Coaxial and Ethernet feedthroughs for our Faraday canopies.
Telemetry Control Box (TCB): Command transmitter and telemetry receiver with PoE interface.
OSR8: Open-Source Reconfigurable Eight-Bit Microprocessor (OSR8) deployed in the IST.

Software Guides

Stimulator Tool: The software interface by which we control ISTs.
LWDAQ Software: Network-based data acquisition and analysis software.
Receiver Instrument: Software that downloads telemetry data.
Neurorecorder Tool: Software that records telemetry signals to disk.
Neuroplayer Tool: Software that reads, analyzes, and translates recorded signals.
Startup Manager: Software component that starts telemetry with one click.
Recording and Playback: Video introduction to the Neurorecorder and Neuroplayer.
Telemetry and Video: Video introduction to synchronous telemetry, stimulus, and video.