Animal Location Tracker (ALT)

Modified: This page was last modified on 08-Jan-25

Figure: Animal Location Tracker, Version A3038C. A 48 cm × 24 cm array of coils provides telemetry reception and activity monitoring. Two mouse toys show scale.

The Animal Location Tracker (ALT) is a coil array telemetry receiver. It takes the form of a rectangular platform upon which we can place an animal cage. The coil array is beneath the platform. The ALT uses these coils to decode telemetry signals and also to measure the strength of the radio-frequency signal at each coil. Because the strength of the received signal decreases with range, the is able to use these power measurements to provide a crude estimate of animal location. The Neurotracker calculates the centroid of received power and uses this position as its measurement of transmitter location. In practice, the power centroid distorts animal movements: as an animal moves steadily across the platform, it's apparant position surges forward, veers to the side, and pauses. Neverheless, the power centroid provides us with a robust measurement of activity, direction, and proximity. By activity we mean the distance moved by the animal in a given time, perhaps centimeters per minute. By direction we mean the direction in which the animal moves. By proximity we mean the average separation of animals in the cage. By means of activity, direction, and proximity, we can tell when an animal is asleep, when it is active, whether it is rotating clockwise or anti-clockwise, and whether or not it socializes with the other animals. If we have video tracking of several identical-looking animals in a cage, we can use the ALT's direction measurement to determine which animal contains which transmitter, thus allowing us to identify each animal in view.

System Description

Telemetry Manual: Performance, operation, and deployment of our micropower telemetery system.
Subcutaneous Transmitter (SCT): Miniature, implantable, battery-powered, telemetry sensor.
Telemetry Pamphlet: Compact presentation of our telemetry system's capabilities and specifications.
Data Acquisition (DAQ): Instrument control and data acquisition hardware and software.
Mock Interview: Mock interview between a potential telemetry customer and our president.
Real-Time System Setup: Watch us put together a recording system in five minutes.
Price List: A list of devices and their prices.
Testimonials: Comments from users of our telemetry system.
Forums: Message boards for customer support.

Device Manuals

Animal Location Tracker (A3038): Message receiver and location tracker with PoE interface (active).
Faraday Enclosure (FE3B): Faraday enclosures to block radio-frequency interference (active).
Animal Cage Camera (ACC): Synchronous, wide-angle, color video camera with white and infrared lights (active).

Software Guides

LWDAQ Software: Network-based data acquisition and analysis software.
Receiver Instrument: Software component that downloads telemetry data.
Neurorecorder Tool: Software component that writes telemetry signals to disk.
Neuroplayer Tool: Software component that reads, analyzes, and translates recorded telemetry signals.
Neurotracker: The component of the Neuroplayer that displays and controls ALT measurements.
Startup Manager: Software component that starts telemetry with one click.
Recording and Playback: Video introduction to the Neurorecorder and Neuroplayer.
Telemetry and Video: Video introduction to synchronous telemetry, stimulus, and video.

Further Reading

Video Blob Tracking (VBT): Our open-source blob-tracking software repository with installation manual.
Ethovision Video Tracking: A proprietary blob-tracking propram that many of our customers use for animal tracking.
Feasibility Studies: Initial work showing feasibility of the animal location tracker.
Animal Location Tracker (A3032): Description of the original, prototype animal location tracker.
Parts and Prices: A list of devices and their prices in various quantities.